Clichés become clichés because there is always some truth to them. We’ve all heard how you only get one chance to make a first impression, and it’s true, especially when trying to sell your house in today’s competitive real estate market. So what are my “Three D” rules for making your best possible first impression? Read on….
- De-clutter – Overloaded tables, countertops, and book shelves tend to make your home look smaller than it really is. Be brutal! Pack up most of those items, and follow the “one third” rule… one third books, one third knick-knacks, and one third open. You’ll have to pack these items when you move anyway. May as well do it now and create a more spacious look for your house. Less is better. “When in doubt, kick it out!”
- De-personalize - We all have those special people we dearly love… family members, friends, significant others, so it’s natural to have their photos on display. Same goes for items that tend to impart a “personal” touch. Kitchen signs with cute sayings on them. Pillows with “Fluffy’s” face. These kinds of items send signals to potential buyers that this is your space. Too many personal items can interfere with a prospect’s ability to envision “their” things in “your” home. Don’t let them feel as though they are invading your privacy. Work to turn your home into a much more neutral “model house.”
- De-odorize - NOTHING turns a potential buyer off more than unpleasant odors. Pet smells, cigarette smoke, musty air… whatever the source, find it and get rid of it. Dump the kitty litter. Get out the air freshener. If possible, open some windows. You want your house smelling as clean and fresh as possible. Clients have keen noses.
Before De-Cluttering |
After De-Cluttering |
Once your house is on the market, a "Fourth D" kicks in. It’s natural to want to be there when your house is being shown, and to add comments or "explain things" to help the real estate agent sell your property. Yet your presence can seriously interfere with the real estate agent’s ability to conduct a candid information exchange with the prospective buyer. So help your agent by following the "Fourth D" rule and De-part while your house is being shown.
Keep these “Three D” rules in mind when staging your home in order to transform it into a marketable property and then lDepart while your house is being shown. In today's Buyer's real estate market, following these guidelines is essential to maximize your property's competitive stature.
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