Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fairfield Harbour Yacht Club "Commissioning Day"

What a treat to be invited to join our friends, Ron and Emily Helling on their beautiful Viking motoryacht Destiny for the 2011 Fairfield Harbour Yacht Club's "Blessing of the Fleet" and Commissioning Day.  Destiny, as you can see below, is a gorgeous vessel... one of our favorite boats here in the Harbour!
Photo courtesy of Sam Curry
Fortunately for all the weather was perfect... temperature in the mid-70's, sunny, and low humidity... as the fleet passed by the dock of the Shoreline marina in Fairfield Harbour's Inner Harbour where each vessel received blessings from a Catholic priest, an Episcopal priest, and a local member of the Jewish faith playing the Ram's horn (Shofar).  Here are a few more photos from a glorious day....

Yacht Club members convened following the Fleet Blessing for introduction of officers, including current and past commodores.  A wreath was then placed  in the Inner Harbour and taps were played following the reading of the names of deceased members from the previous year.  I was proud of my husband, Bob (below), for his "bugle playing" even though he cheated and actually used his trumpet. 

Following the closing cannon shot which concluded this year's ceremonies, we gathered in our local Community Center for a wonderful catered luncheon, officially opening the boating season.  What a wonderful day in lovely Fairfield Harbour!

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